Tuesday, March 08, 2011

It's been a long time. . .

Just checking in to say hello. When I made my last post, I did so from the workplace. It was a very special workplace--and the greatest job I ever had in my life. It lasted just nine months before I was laid off.

I was the only person at the workplace. Yes, just me in a quiet, humid, windowless basement office, doing--no work at all. I was hired just to be there in case the FCC checked to see if my employer, a radio station, had an employer at the office.

I filled my hours with watching tv, surfing the net, writing email, napping, exercising, and, best of all, painting pictures. I set up my second studio in that office. I completed two pictures a week. I use oils, and they dried slowly in the basement environment, so I usually had 3-5 paintings going at a time. I was never lonely and did not mind the quietness or humidity. As I said, it was the greatest job I've ever had. I long for another exactly like it!

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